Public Safety
Wildfire Resiliency Code Board
In the fall of 2023, Confluence was contracted by the Division of Fire Prevention and Control to support the newly formed Wildfire Resilience Code Board (WRCB). The Board was created by legislators in response to the continued increase in wildfire risk, the growth in communities at risk of wildfire and the growing intensity, frequency and devastation caused by wildfires since 2000. The WRCB is tasked by Senate Bill 23-166 to develop and adopt model codes defining and governing the wildland-urban interface (WUI). The 21 member Board’s mission is to ensure communities are safer from and more resilient to wildfires by reducing the risk to people and property through the adoption of statewide codes and standards based on best practice approaches to hardening structures and reducing fire risk in the defensible space surrounding structures in the wildland-urban interface. Confluence is supporting Division staff and Board Chairs in the design, sequencing and research needed to support the Board and its subcommittees. The Confluence team facilitates the Board meetings and collaborates with Board Chairs, Division staff and Board members to plan all meetings and ensure robust opportunities for stakeholder and public input.

Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Council
The Colorado Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Council, appointed by the Governor as the State Advisory Group pursuant to the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, is charged under the Act to advise and make recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature on juvenile justice issues. To support their work, in the fall of 2023, the Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance retained Confluence to facilitate the annual retreat of the JJDP, to guide their three year strategic planning process and support the creation of the JJDP’s strategic plan. During the JJDP’s retreat, Confluence’s team guided the members through a robust set of discussions over several days to assess the recent years’ work of the Council, to explore and align on the role of the JJDP within the broader juvenile justice ecosystem, and to identify the Council’s unique value-add or opportunities to drive system improvements that lead to improved outcomes for affected youth. In addition to the strategic planning process, Confluence is facilitating and supporting the work of the Diversion Subcommittee of the JJDP and the formation of new subcommittees aligned with the mission, vision and priorities identified during the strategic planning process.

Working Group on Transforming Criminal & Juvenile Justice
During the 2023 legislative session, a bill to reauthorize the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) was postponed indefinitely, sunsetting the nearly 20 year old body that had been formed to help guide criminal justice policy. In October of 2023, Colorado Governor Jared Polis issued Executive Order B-2023-002 Creating the Working Group on Transforming Criminal and Juvenile Justice (TCJJ). The Governor directed the TCJJ to study and make recommendations outlining the structure, location, purpose, and composition of a future permanent, multi-disciplinary, evidenced-based entity or entities with dedicated year-round staff to address matters related to criminal and juvenile justice. Confluence was selected to facilitate and support the 17 member body.
The TCJJ Working Group thoughtfully examined the history of the CCJJ, heard from past members and stakeholders about its successes and challenges, engaged in robust discussions about the opportunity for meaningful transformation and heard from a diversity of experts. The group also heard testimony from more than 50 stakeholders in addition to public comment at each meeting to inform their discussions and recommendations.
After extensive deliberations and discussions, the TCJJ Working Group reached consensus on a broad set of recommendations including the mission, vision, structure, membership and duties for the creation of the Colorado Commissions to Improve Adult and Juvenile Justice. With input and feedback from all members, Confluence organized the group’s recommendations in “A Transformative Approach to Criminal & Juvenile Justice,” the Report of the Working Group on Transforming Criminal and Juvenile Justice which was released in March of 2024.
Interagency Work Group on School Safety

In January of 2023, Confluence was selected by the School Safety Resource Center (SSRC) to manage, support and facilitate the Colorado Interagency Working Group on School Safety, more commonly known as the School Safety Work Group (SSWG). The SSWG was formed by legislation and tasked with convening representatives from multiple state agencies with other specific stakeholders to examine the effectiveness, transparency, public awareness and collaborative approach of all state supported programs relating to school safety. Confluence’s team designed each meeting of the SSWG and its six subcommittees in collaboration with the Director of the Office of School Safety, including the topics, agendas, meeting materials, facilitation of meetings and identification of any outside experts or resources for the group’s work. Over the course of the SSWG’s work, Confluence’s team worked across state government to conduct a comprehensive inventory of all programs, resources, grants or other endeavors of any state agency to support school safety.
Drawing on the work of the six subcommittees and interviews with dozens of educators, school leaders, school system leaders, mental and behavioral health experts among others, a summary of ideas and areas for action was presented to the SSWG members. After a series of individual and small group conversations, a set of more than fifty actions was assembled to address the findings of each subcommittee. This Framework for Colorado State Government’s Approach to School Safety (the SSWG State Framework) became the foundation of the SSWG’s report and recommendations to state leaders which was published in January of 2024. The collaborative approach taken by leaders in Colorado and the focus on actionable recommendations are not only informing action in Colorado, they have attracted interest from state and federal officials across the country and bipartisan interest in the process and the recommendations.
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- 910.239.8740
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- Mon – Fri : 9:00 – 5:00