Confluence Policy & Strategy Group

Your partner in policy and system change

Confluence PSG partners with government and private sector leaders to support policy and system change. Our team brings decades of experience to support our partners at every stage of the process. Drawing on our expertise in the public and private sectors, we help identify the specific issue and mechanism of change, scope of action needed, associated challenges and the affected or involved stakeholders. We work with clients to design and manage comprehensive collaborative processes to develop solutions with maximum buy-in and high likelihood for success. Once consensus based solutions are developed, we can support advancing the change through legislation, regulation, corporate action or other public processes and implementation of the new system or policy.

In addition to Confluence PSG’s direct engagements with government, private sector, NGOs and community organizations, the independent and non-partisan nonprofit, Confluence Policy Center, partners with government, community and philanthropic leaders to design and manage work groups, task forces and other convenings to tackle complex matters in local, state and federal policy.

The Center for Education & Workforce Policy (CFEWP) at Confluence PSG is working at the forefront of efforts to expand access to quality education, improve student outcomes, re-imagine how instruction is delivered, align post-secondary and job-training opportunities with tomorrow’s workforce needs and plan for the challenges of an evolving global economy.

State Government

Our team has in-depth experience supporting Governors, State Agencies, Legislatures and multi-office initiatives. Support at the state level includes general and targeted community or stakeholder engagement, multi-stakeholder work group or task force design and management and inter-governmental work group and collaborative decision making processes.

Local Government

We’ve helped local leaders at every level of decision making from internal strategic planning and establishing budget priorities to engaging regional partners, community members and the private sector. Our work at the local level has included nearly every issue confronting local leaders including transportation and infrastructure, housing, workforce development and education.

Public-Private Partnerships

With experience in both the public and private sectors, we’re uniquely positioned to help business and government leaders come together to develop true partnerships that recognize the limits, needs and role of each. Our experience includes addressing issues in economic and workforce development, education, housing, transportation and open space.

Regional & Multi-Jurisdictional

We build on our expertise helping local leaders with our experience with state government agencies to bring a unique understanding of the complexities and advantages of collaborative efforts between towns, cities, counties and states. These efforts range from defined topic and timeline initiatives to longer-term partnerships that can involve neighboring communities or those with a common challenge that may be separated geographically.

Community, Non-Profit & NGO

Nearly all of our work on behalf of government agencies engages community, non-profit and NGO leaders as some of the most critical formal or informal partners. Some of the most successful initiatives have them as the driving force of the work whether in advocating for the initiative from the onset, as conveners, group members, as partners engaging communities and as the key players who will ensure sustainability of change.

Multi-Stakeholder Coalitions

While a task force or work group is often charged with studying an issue and developing recommendations, multi-stakeholder coalitions often play the critical role of advancing those recommendations and staying engaged to support implementation or change management. We can help structure, convene and manage these coalitions with membership that can include government, private sector and community leaders.


Confluence PSG partners with government and private sector leaders to support policy and system change.